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Android means a few different things — but in the end it's all good! {.intro} You see the word [Android](/android-versions) used a lot on the Internet, and it gets used interchangeably for a few different things. I'm not even talking about Stay up to date in the world of Android with all the latest Android news delivered to you, phone news, tablet news, app news, rooting news. Sorry, but your brand new Android phone is already obsolete. Google unveiled the latest version of its mobile operating system earlier this week, and Android P—yes, basically an upside-down Beats logo—comes with some cool new features and App timers, a smarter Do Not Disturb—even black-and-white mode. An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens What’s next for hardware, software, and servic Apple has announced not one, but two new iPhones, which only means one thing - there are two new flagship smartphones that have been added to the mix (Pocket-lint) - Apple has announced not one, but two new iPhones, which only means one thi
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